السبت، ديسمبر 16، 2006

Yaaaah, radio again!

I don’t know, may be a whole year passed since my last on air phone call or so. I simply got drifted with sheets, reports, assignments, projects, exams.. etc. so I quit even following the radio!
However, today I got one SMS from a friend, asking to open up “eza3t el a3’ani” because Fareed el Atrash singing :D (Fareed oho, aha, ya 7eta mn albi, oho, aha). Coincidently, my radio dial was tuned to “el bernamg el thakafi” (the cultural program) when I heard a voice I felt quite familiar to. Guess what, I haven’t lost my abilities yet; Can’t forget a voice I once heard, and was true. He was Alaa speaking about blogs.

So, listened to the on going convo. Was pretty nice, however, I didn’t like the phone calls 5als! Was when I heated up, gripped the phone.. Viola, now on air..
Guess I was a bit shaky while talking at first.. PEOPLE! That’s my 1st time ever to talk on air in Arabic on an Egyptian radio station :D the only Arabic time I did was 2 years ago in DW, and in an issue away from blogging, plus, it was recorded.
(PITY ME! I haven't recorded that... hate to be in a hurry always)

Anyways, today was strange enough for me to end up having such an un-expected call (may be I’d talk about the day later).

Now, Off to go study comm. Systems (elli mesh bayn laha awl mn a5r!)

Ps: thanks ya Alaa for the push ;)

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