السبت، يناير 20، 2007

Sada rada (",)")

Replying nadaha's tag, and tagging: Nesrine, Engy, Hechkok, Memo, Olivia, JJ (in a comment if you don't mind), Pinky, Layal, Dananeer, Masry & Dee! (and again, anyone interested)

Five things you don't know about me:
  1. Not a talkative person who likes to sit somewhere in the shadow, away from the crowds and loathes whoever thinks him/herself something.
  2. I drink more than 5 cups of tea / day. You got: pure red tea, red tea with milk, with lemon, with mint (n3na3 a5dar), with carnation (oronfl), earl gray tea, green tea, and green tea with jasmine!
  3. Un-like normal girls, I'm not fond of babies 5als....
  4. I can wear less stylish or old fashionable clothes than to ever, ever, wear a tight anything!
  5. I hate whoever writes my name with "I".. hay hay, its "E" everybody! And I know, YES its pronounces correctly with an "I"..

Now 1 more tag left to go. The Engy's tag, and guess will be done (leave me a break shewaya please :D )

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