الثلاثاء، فبراير 21، 2006


كلما مررت بذلك المكان تذكرت عندما قال "بحب آكل من عنده الشاورمة".. أشعر الآن وكأننى سمعتها فى الأزمان الغابرة.. ولكن رجع صدها يزورنى من حين الى آخر.. رغم انى لا أعرف من يكون، فلم أراه يوما، ولا أعرف كيف أستدل له على عنوان..
وقفت عند إقتراب محطتى، وهممت بالنزول وقد هجمت عليا فكرة واحدة.. سمعت من شخص لا أذكره حاليا، أنه منذ سنوات هاجر للولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.. ولا أعرف –حقيقة- ان عاد أم لايزال هناك.. فأنا فى البدأ لا أعرف ان كان لايزال على قيد الحياة أم أنه أصبح مجرد ذكرى ككلماته..
لكننى هنا وبعد هذه السنين لازلت اذكر مقولته بصوته الرخيم وضحكته المصطنعة، على الرغم من أنها لم تكن موجهة لى.. وعلى الرغم من أنى لا أعرفه ولا يعرفنى كذلك...


الأحد، فبراير 19، 2006

I Can Can

If I want to make it, then I need to challenge myself:

Rule # 1:

“Blogger and MSN no longer my best friends”
See if I can make it, see if I CAN socialize even more.. (Process going on)

Rule # 2:

“Blogs are not my life”
If I managed to get over my radio frenzy, then I CAN get over blogs’ mania as well.

Rule # 3:

“Listen more, talk less, study all the way”
OK! Another challenge and yet NOT FAR FETCHED!

Today’s assignment:

“Count the days I’d live without blogging, as phase 1”

C ya when I am done ;)


Another lost msg...

When I’m there I feel like home. Feel like I’ve found the warmth I was seeking. I’ve found the love and passion I lack. I know I can fly out there to the 7th sky. I can – I know I can- be the one thing I wish myself to be, whenever I am there..
I can hear me singing without songs
I can see my dancing without music
I can feel me happy, spreading a bright and shining look..

I like it knowing that we share the same place in the heart.. I like it knowing that some where out there we can be together for long without disturbance or poking noses.. away from eyes.. away from nagging thoughts.
Hiding from myself to you..
Only if I can .. I might leave everything and just spend the rest there, where I know we are together….
I might be dreaming, I might be hallucinating, but one thing I know.. one thing above all I can swear I am sure..
There, I’ve found a part of me lost time ago… and to different places went astray..

الجمعة، فبراير 17، 2006

Now.. :)

I am watching “The wizard of OZ” now.. long time passed since my last time watch and still, I hate the green witch.

Listen to this clip :
We’re off to see the wizard

أفكار متلخبطة

"سرقت عمرى من أحزانى.. سرقته لكن ما جانى.. ولا حد شاف فين مكانى.. ورا الشبابيك.."

بتسالنى نفسى ، ليه لما أحب أبكى يبقى لازم دموع تسيل؟ وليه لما أحب أصرخ، لازم يملى الفراغ صوت أسير؟
ليه مش لكل شئ أكتر من هيئة؟ مش ساعتها كنت إرتحت.. بدل ما دموعى تجرى من غير ما حد يشوفها.. وصرختى تطلع فى صوت مخنوق وما حد يسمعها!
لو ان همومى اقدر امسكها، كنت لمتها فى صندوق خشب قديم ورميته فى عرض البحر.
ولو انى اقدر اقول الكلام اللى مالى فكرى من غير رقابة ضمير كنت قلت بعلو صوتى.. كنت شاركت ويا فكرى فكرك.. يمكن كان جايز اوصل ساعتها..
وكإنه مكتوب عليا اشوف حلمى الصغير بيتسرق وأنا واقفة ببتسامة باهتة ودموع ما فى حد شافها وصرخة محبوس صداها جوة ضلوع صدرى... وكلام.. كلام كتير بحاول أقنع بيه نفسى انى ح طير معاه من الفرحة، وأنا فى الحق، أشك انى عايشة؛ حتى يقينى انى بتنفس اصبح كإنه سراب او حلم فى ليلة ضلمة..
أتمنى أفضل فى الكون دة حرة.. لكنى يأسة ومش عارفة
كإن كل شئ يبحاصرنى.. كل شئ بيذلنى ويضعفنى
حتى قلمى مسكته فى لحظة ضعف منى.. كتبت كلمة..
وسكت لحظة..
مسحتها وقعدت أجرى وياقلمى فى سباق حروف كإنها لا تعرفنى ولا أعرفها.. كإنى بحاول أنسى إنى فى اول السطر كتبت كلمة.. وأنا أشك انى ممكن أنسى
ويفضل كلامى محبوس فى دمى يتمنى يهرب من انه مجرد فكرة تايهة.. يتمنى يوصل لمكان بعيد أمان... يفرد جناحاته ويفضفض ..
هناك راح أبكى وأصرخ بأى شكل .. مش فارقة..
لانه راح يتحس قبل ما أنتظر يتسمع أو يتشاف منك...

من اغنية "شبابيك" لمحمد منير
ولتانى مرة بسبب نفس الصديق العزيز
These days, I am not feeling well, or let me re-phrase, I am feeling well but I can’t stop thinking. My mind is working 24/7, I go round and round then I end up at the same very point!
And the point itself is un-believed in any logical sequence a man has invited! GOSh! Can I tell you I am going crazy, because 1 and 1 should be always 2, but in my case: either 1 still or null..
Looks vague, and yes.. it is..
I just can’t elaborate more for 1 reason nags me like hell. This space is no more as private as it used to be..

الأربعاء، فبراير 15، 2006

I got it by email

Sonnet 43 - How do I love thee? Let me count the ways
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,—I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!—and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

الاثنين، فبراير 13، 2006

Another day..

“Single bells, SINGLE bells, single all the way.. O how fun 2 be single on Valentine's day.”

Today was a special day for many reasons; but I will not talk about it. Mm because.. well, I don’t want to talk about it!

But above all, I want to remember mainly 2 reasons:

1. it was raining heavily today. Though it was like a miracle finding something to take back home, but I liked looking thru the bus window while it was pouring outside and people were trying to hide for a shelter or jumping over water ditches. I love this scene in its genuine spirit you can’t find except when it rains..

2. as my usual, the 1st thing I do whenever I reach my room, checking my email. Then, to my surprise, I found one of the loveliest emails I ever had by someone called “Mind Scan”.. mm.. I don’t think I know him/her.. and even if I do.. taking few minutes of your time to ask about someone –I’m sure- you’ve never met is one-big-something!
He/she was actually checking if everything was going ok with me, since I claimed to be leaving blogging.. the point is I ran out of gratitude and thank you words “Mind scan”. For you made my day.. knowing that someone somewhere cares enough to sit on his/her computer and write such email, makes me believe. Tomorrow SHOULD be brighter :)

"come on, lets sing along.. Single bells, Single bells, Single all the way….."

OK, OK, I made my mind about a 3rd thing I wish to remember.. we actually had our 1st meeting today :D

"... O how fun 2 be single on Valentine's day."

السبت، فبراير 11، 2006

I am in collage now, waiting for my friends to finish their section so we'd continue our work in our project *the 64-input priority encoder thingy*. We've screwed things up yesterday. Actually more than 60% of the proper work wasn't done! .. It’s a bit silly though how the education system goes in here. I want somebody out there to mention even 1 benefit from the whole stuff we've been doing for the past 3 weeks or so!! As if they teach us how to hate our system more and more. Stupid material taught in the very same dump way that was applied for the past decades.. right now, I admit I am not an engineer, I can't see myself as a proper mind that can work in the field to benefit the country.
I just study, to pass the exams. I try to make up whatever that would appeal to the doctor, for I might hunt few more marks that would secure my final grade.. Imagine I even wrote our doctor a thank you at the 2nd page, and guess what, it was a copy past from another reference.!! *no comment*
I wonder wither I am fooling myself, or they are fooling me. And even if its one of both, then how can I get over it, though I already know!! I mean… UGH! .. I am feeling disgusted right now. While I am still waiting for my friends to come and join me within few minutes *hopefully*..

You know what, I just realized right now, that we spend more than half our lives waiting. We wait for the bus everyday to catch wherever we are heading. Then we wait for years to pass to graduate. We wait for lunch and dinner. We wait for the match or the night comedy or Thursday movies. We wait for a nice going out.. we wait for father to return from travel. We wait for the computer to open. We wait for our time to close our eyes to sleep… we even wait to finish waiting sometimes!!
Strange, isn't it?!


I've been asked, why I stopped blogging?
Well, in fact, I didn't stop blogging in the literal way. I mean I am blogging now, and a long one, but the point is, I felt I need to talk to the void itself, I need to return to myself more and more. I miss myself. I miss our intimate chit-chat from time to time.. I talk and talk and talk… with no one to reply but pure silence. And believe me sometimes, silence is the voice of all wisdom. Especially when you try to dig inside yourself for answers, even if you didn't have an answer..

Still waiting for my friends, but time to go now.. got more stuff to check :)

ملاحظة عابرة

وكإن كلنا إكتشفنا إمبارح فجأة.. إن مصر لها علم..

الخميس، فبراير 09، 2006

وكأن كل ما حاولى يعاندنى.. وكأن كل من حولى يحاول إشعارى بعدم وجودى ككائن يتنفس. أحاول إقناعها بالعدول عن رأيها، لكنها تعاندنى فى كل حركاتها. أحاول أن أقول لها عن ما قرأت اليوم وأرجوها أن تستمع لطلبى ولو مرة واحدة، ولكن لسانى يمقتنى بسكون موحش.. أحاول أن أبكى، فلم أرها هكذا قبل اليوم، ولكن دموعى تتجبر وتطغى على كل احساس بالضعف عندى.. أحاول أن أبعد تلك الخرافات و أطرد أفكارى السوداء.. لكنها تتوغل زاحفة مسيطرة على مساحات نفسى.
فقط أريد أن أستريح من هذا الصراع.. أرغب أن أنام، لكننى أسمعها تنادى فأتنفض لأذهب، وأجدها مغلقة العينين على سريرها الأبيض كالملائكة.. ياإلهى.. ياربى ورب كل الأماكن والأزمان.. ياربى ورب كل البشر والأكوان.. خلقتنى ضعيفة ومستضعفة لكنى أسألك بكل إسم هو لك، أسألك بعظيم قدرتك.. أسألك بعفوك ورحمتك أن ترحمها وتعافيها مما ألم بها..
ياإلهى .. ومن لى غيرك أطلب رضاه.. ومن لى غيرك أسأله الشفاء..

الثلاثاء، فبراير 07، 2006

ان ماعرفتش تضحك
ما تدمعش.. ولا تبكيش..
وان مافضلش معاك غير قلبك
اوعى تخاف
مش ح تموت.. ح تعيش..
وان سألوك الناس عن ضى
جوة عيونك مابيلمعش
قولهم العيب مش فيا
ده العيب فى الضى
وانا مش عاشق ضلمة
ولا زعلت الضى..
مسير الضى لوحده ح يلمع..
مسير الضحك لوحده ح يطلع..
ولا يئذيش..

على مسؤلية أحمد ناصر و عمرو –ربنا يكرمهم صلحوا لى المعلومة- ، فالكلمات لــ "محمد ناصر" .. مش "فؤاد حداد" كما أشرت

وأعتذر لجهلى بدون قصد...

Dear whoever reading this;
Because I’ve been feeling unstable for the past days, that things are going around me and I can’t have a clear vision where am I heading!! And because I want to be a different *ME*, therefore I am giving up some of my daily habits looking forward to other priorities of life.
And so, based on the above statement and knowing that I’ve wasted a lot of time already uselessly, I decided that from now on I’ll be keeping low profile in the blogging zone, in a step the perceives leaving it completely *which I am no sure about still*.
And for the time being, I deleted the “Commenting” option, I apologize for not visiting other friends’ blogs very frequently, and I deeply thank all those who cared enough to read and comment sometimes.
If anyone wanted to contact me, still you can always email on " me[dot]blue[at]gmail[dot]com"
See you always on Your highest
My mother is very sick, and so I am asking anyone passing by to pray for her.. I am already feeling terrible.. May God bless her for me...

الاثنين، فبراير 06، 2006

Talking loud..

Torching the embassies in Lebanon and Syria is a major stupid attitude from some Muslim extremists mostly youth; which I do not support by any means!!..
YES! The Prophet Mohamed would have never asked us to frighten citizens. Remember, in wars he used to ask his soldiers never to hurt a female or a child or an old man… He even asked his soldiers never to cut a tree. (And that was at times of war)… and even when his people used to hurt him tremendously, in addition to his companies, He (pbuh) never thought of a destructive attitude.. EVER!!

Some Muslims apologized for torching the embassies, and so I wondered for a while, should I or should I not apologize as well?. YES! What happened reflect a barbaric attitude, and forces the west to believe how ignorant, radical and uncivilized the Muslims are. YET! I can’t deny that my feeling -as a Muslim- was hurt and directly offended. Making fun of the Prophet leaves no excuses for the Denmark or any other country which published the same photos in an act of solidarity!
And so I decided, if Muslims were thought to be ignorant for their late attitude (with free speech I mean), then the west looks even more ignorant for their behavior (their behavior in the sense that: They didn’t search properly before presenting these cartoons.) They got modern technology, science, whatever.. and still accepted to work on their pre-drawn mind-images without investigating what is right and what is wrong. And so I thought, the west and the Islamic world are even now.. so no apologies from my side *sorry my friends if I let you down* .

Some would think that Muslims over reacted for a matter of free speech – as the news paper claims- but let me tell you something, at times of the prophet, his companies were ready to sacrifices their lives, their children, their wives.. they were ready to sacrifices whatever they’d cherish only for one thought “we have the duty for defending Prophet Muhamed”. And now it’s our turn and we- including me- should be doing something.
Therefore, if I was yesterday with boycotting 50%, today I am with it 200% and even more. Something should be done concerning this. What is sacred should be kept sacred. What is holy should be left holy. And let me ask this simple Question again: “what happens if a foreign newspaper thought of denying the holocaust?”
*I am leaving My Reader to answer.*
But that makes non sense, we are making a comparison between an incident that touches a group of people, and the Prophet of the 2nd largest religion almost in all Europe –if not the whole world-.

All what I concluded from the whole thing after all is that: there is yet another form of racial discrimination taking place, but this time for the Muslims!

Time to go..
May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you..

الأحد، فبراير 05، 2006

These cartoons don't defend free speech, they threaten it

Written by: Simon Jenkins
I think, therefore I am, said the philosopher. Fine. But I think, therefore I speak? No way.
Nobody has an absolute right to freedom. Civilisation is the story of humans sacrificing freedom so as to live together in harmony. We do not need Hobbes to tell us that absolute freedom is for newborn savages. All else is compromise.
Should a right-wing Danish newspaper have carried the derisive images of Muhammad? No. Should other newspapers have repeated them and the BBC teasingly “flashed” them to prove its free-speech virility? No. Should governments apologise for them or ban them from repeating the offence? No, but that is not the issue.
A newspaper is not a monastery, its mind blind to the world and deaf to reaction. Every inch of published print reflects the views of its writers and the judgment of its editors. Every day newspapers decide on the balance of boldness, offence, taste, discretion and recklessness. They must decide who is to be allowed a voice and who not. They are curbed by libel laws, common decency and their own sense of what is acceptable to readers. Speech is free only on a mountain top; all else is editing.
Despite Britons’ robust attitude to religion, no newspaper would let a cartoonist depict Jesus Christ dropping cluster bombs, or lampoon the Holocaust. Pictures of bodies are not carried if they are likely to be seen by family members. Privacy and dignity are respected, even if such restraint is usually unknown to readers. Over every page hovers a censor, even if he is graced with the title of editor.
To imply that some great issue of censorship is raised by the Danish cartoons is nonsense. They were offensive and inflammatory. The best policy would have been to apologise and shut up. For Danish journalists to demand “Europe-wide solidarity” in the cause of free speech and to deride those who are offended as “fundamentalists . . . who have a problem with the entire western world” comes close to racial provocation. We do not go about punching people in the face to test their commitment to non-violence. To be a European should not involve initiation by religious insult.
Many people seem surprised that a multicultural crunch should have come over religion rather than race. Most incoming migrants from the Muslim world are in search of work and security. They have accepted racial discrimination and cultural subordination as the price of admission. Most Europeans, however surreptitiously, regard that subordination as reasonable.
What Muslims did not expect was that admission also required them to tolerate the ridicule of their faith and guilt by association with its wildest and most violent followers in the Middle East. Islam is an ancient and dignified religion. Like Christianity its teaching can be variously interpreted and used for bloodthirsty ends, but in itself Islam has purity and simplicity. Part of that purity lies in its abstraction and part of that abstraction is an aversion to icons.
The Danes must have known that a depiction of Allah as human or the prophet Muhammad as a terrorist would outrage Muslims. It is plain dumb to claim such blasphemy as just a joke concordant with the western way of life. Better claim it as intentionally savage, since that was how it was bound to seem. To adapt Shakespeare, what to a Christian “is but a choleric word”, to a Muslim is flat blasphemy.
Of all the casualties of globalism, religious sensibility is the most hurtful. I once noticed in Baghdad airport an otherwise respectable Iraqi woman go completely hysterical when an American guard set his sniffer dog, an “unclean” animal, on her copy of the Koran. The soldier swore at her: “Oh for Christ’s sake, shut up!” She was baffled that he cited Christ in defence of what he had done.
Likewise, to an American or British soldier, forcibly entering the women’s quarters of an Arab house at night is normal peacekeeping. To an Arab it is abhorrent, way beyond any pale. Nor do Muslims understand the West’s excusing such actions, as does Tony Blair, by comparing them favourably with those of Saddam Hussein, as if Saddam were the benchmark of international behaviour.
It is clearly hard for westerners to comprehend the dismay these gestures cause Muslims. The question is not whether Muslims should or should not “grow up” or respect freedom of speech. It is whether we truly want to share a world in peace with those who have values and religious beliefs different from our own. The demand by foreign journalists that British newspapers compound their offence shows that moral arrogance is as alive in the editing rooms of northern Europe as in the streets of Falluja. That causing religious offence should be regarded a sign of western machismo is obscene.
The traditional balance between free speech and respect for the feelings of others is evidently becoming harder to sustain. The resulting turbulence can only feed the propaganda of the right to attack or expel immigrants and those of alien culture. And it can only feed the appetite of government to restrain free speech where it really matters, as in criticising itself.
There is little doubt that had the Home Office’s original version of its religious hatred bill been enacted, publishing the cartoons would in Britain have been illegal. There was no need to prove intent to cause religious hatred, only “recklessness”. Even as amended by parliament the bill might allow a prosecution to portray the cartoons as insulting and abusive and to dismiss the allowed defence that the intention was to attack ideas rather than people.
The same zest for broad-sweep censorship was shown in Charles Clarke’s last anti-terrorism bill. Its bid (again curbed by parliament) was to outlaw the “negligent”, even if unintended, glorification of terrorism. It wanted to outlaw those whose utterances might have celebrated or glorified a violent change of government, whether or not they meant to do so. Clarke proposed to list “under order” those historical figures he regarded as terrorists and those he decided were “freedom fighters”. The latter, he intimated, might include Irish ones. This was historical censorship of truly Stalinist ambition. By such men are we now ruled.
That a modern home secretary should seek such powers illustrates the danger to which a collapse of media self-restraint might lead. Last week there were demands from some (not all) Muslim leaders for governments to “apologise” for the cartoons and somehow forbid their dissemination. It was a demand that Jack Straw, the foreign secretary, commendably rejected. It assumed that governments had in some sense allowed the cartoons and were thus in a position to atone for them. Many governments might be happy to fall into this trap and seek to control deeds for which they may have to apologise. The glib assumption of blame where none exists feeds ministerial folie de grandeur, as with Blair’s ludicrous 1997 apology for the Irish potato famine.
In all matters of self-regulation the danger is clear. If important institutions, in this case the press, will not practise self-discipline then governments will practise it for them. Ascribing evil consequences to religious faith is a sure way of causing offence. Banning such offence is an equally sure way for a politician to curry favour with a minority and thus advance the authoritarian tendency. The present Home Office needs no such encouragement.
Offending an opponent has long been a feature of polemics, just as challenging the boundaries of taste has been a feature of art. It is rightly surrounded by legal and ethical palisades. These include the laws of libel and slander and concepts such as fair comment, right of reply and not stirring racial hatred. None of them is absolute. All rely on the exercise of judgment by those in positions of power. All rely on that bulwark of democracy, tolerance of the feelings of others. This was encapsulated by Lord Clark in his defining quality of civilisation: courtesy.
Too many politicians would rather not trust the self-restraint of others and would take the power of restraint onto themselves. Recent British legislation shows that a censor is waiting round every corner. This past week must have sent his hopes soaring because of the idiot antics of a few continental journalists.
The best defence of free speech can only be to curb its excess and respect its courtesy.

السبت، فبراير 04، 2006

Only for the precious memory,

Whatever was written in the previous post.. I want to note
We’re working - the 3 of us - on our “Digital Circuits” project of a ( 64-bit input priority encoder ) ..

Till this moment we finished nothing, and not expecting to finish soon.

However, I am sure, this is not the reason why I'm feeling low :(

Wish U r here my friend

الجمعة، فبراير 03، 2006


Till I find eagerness to write a proper post about the latest events of the Danish contest for caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad "may God's peace and blessings be upon him", I am asking everybody to read this excellent post on “A”’s blog.. with the title “Freedom of speech, is it?”
and the other one on /borked blog "Homosapiens Suck!!" *I am not fully with this one, but its one of the best things I read as well* and also "Not-So-Hidden Inconsistincies in the Danish Cartoons Story" on Omar's Blog.. so wisely said, really how so very true!

And till then I want to tell the anonymous who commented on my last post (No4Denmark? No for this sick blog!)
Ok! No for my sick blog and No for You.. You are not welcomed here if YOU are not to respect my “right of free speech” !!
Thank U for the un-welcomed visit!

Updates will be soon isA..
But for now a Short break till I cool down..

الأربعاء، فبراير 01، 2006

A msg should be sent..

I had so many things to say about a friend i got to know lately, a pure soul I cherish, and a HUMAN by all the meanings this word may hold. To BiBo (or Dananeer as known on blogs), I want to say: I am greatful knowing a person like you and sharing part of -if not almost all- of my thoughts.
Thank you for the lovely words you sent me today, feeling the warmth thru each and every word, I thought, I should place it where it should belong for the memory to live life long. I truely Love you BiBo, I truely do :)
What can I say!! U make me cry Really thanks ya blue For saying it and describing it So well and so true Right from the heart To the void. I just saw the title this morning @ work and couldn't help it I start smiling Read the 1st lines then send it to all my friends, printing it and after I finally went home. And while sitting in bed I get them out
I read them and I couldn't help it. Keep on touching us ya blue with these sweet and true feelings that touches our hearts.

These was what I wrote after watching the movie me too love it deeply

(1) U 've got mail..
“Have you ever felt like this?” I've seen this movie So many times and still I love it and never bored from it. I love so many things in it. Every time I sit to watch it I sit with the anxious of watching it for the 1st time. I feel I don't want to miss a thing. And in the same time I'm watching it with missing the warmth of an old friend I didn't see for a while ( :

(2) "Around The Corner"
You may find it funny But I had some dreams long time ago And still I hold those dreams inside Wishing they come true one day at least one of them or the heart from all of them.. The aim and the meaning come true

My dreams
These dreams actually concerning my professional life But I always see it as a way of living life being something in it and most of all doing something you feel it deserve all your life.
One of my dreams -my biggest I think- is having a bookstore and nursery school at the same time -mainly for kids, may be orphanages- a one just looks like "The Shop Around The Corner" where me with other people, can guide those kids through their early life
I've always wished to be "The Book Story Lady" and I've always dreamt of "Shop around the Corner". I really believe that showing Kids books, introducing them to this world, And above it all, Make them find their ways starting from their favorite childhood books. Yes I believe that our childhood books Are part of us and what we'll be come.
Every time I see the movie I feel I'm seeing the dream of my life I grab it from inside asking myself “Could it become true one day?? Can I do it?? Am I brave enough and believe enough to do it?”

Talking about life dreams and life choices brings me to other related thing -Always on my mind- Somehow I'm strange person and a complex human being; but this not what I want to talk about. I actually want to talk about choices we made through the life we live. Things we've the well to protect and fight for -And most of all- Love it from the heart Make it with love and because of love. I really miss this so much and this is the problem.
I don't find myself in what I'm doing though I'm doing fine in it and people appreciate. But I don't taste it. I try to love what I'm doing but there is always the picture of doing something with so much… I don't know how to express it, with love and believe, taking whatever time and making whatever efforts to make it succeed; To feel it really worth it at the end of each day while thinking in bed before sleep, And to wake up feeling that I can't wait to start doing it.
It will open new doors and hidden doors inside the soul. I'll be ready to give and also fight for it whenever is required. It'll show me myself inside Part of me that has always been there and couldn't grape it to life.

There is a dream of someone
I always dream of it that person that can be a shelter and a friend He/she don't know me
As I don't know him I mean we don't know how we look like. We didn't become friends because of the outside; The whole outside not only shape, But because of these tiny little things inside a person not so perfect and knows well that I'm totally away from being perfect but in the same time this don't matter in soul to soul friendship.
Very well said BiBo.....
Time to go ... 73's