الأربعاء، مارس 11، 2009

Quick note

Two days ago I was down, totally down. Today I am good. And apparently I am because of my last decision to take a day off. isA I'll join my friends in a trip for the first time in may be three years, since Luxor and Aswan..
I can't believe that roughly two years already passed since my graduation.Llike a dream?.. no, but even faster..

I am happy I'll join them. I am really really happy and enthusiastic, as if life started smiling..
la la laaaa.. Can't wait to see the sea.. can't wait to click my camera and practice photography .. can't wait to unplug life.. can't wait to smell fresh air.. can't wait to fill in my ipod.. can't wait to laugh.. can't just wait.. and wish Saturday would never end :)

Mood singing in a Lala Land:

البحر دا مش مية أو موجة فوق صخرة
البحر دا أغنية بسمعها ميت مرة
من تانى بتوحشنى.. البحر بيخطفنى

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