الأربعاء، يوليو 30، 2008

أنا والعذاب والميكروباص

كل مرة أركب الميكروباص، أغمض عينى وأتشهد فى إنتظار رحلة العودة إلى السماء.
وكل مرة بعزى نفسى بإن رغم كل الحاجات اللى كان نفسى أعملها فى الدنيا، فأكيد ف الآخرة فى قانون يحاسب الميكروباصات..

السبت، يوليو 26، 2008

The last Lecture..


Last September, Oprah Winfry interviewed a university professor who is dying of cancer and gave a final lecture to his students. His lecture instantly gained wide popularity, and was downloaded more than a million times on the internet.
Ever since then, he’s been regarded as a source of inspiration for a lot of people, teaching them basics –from a dying man in his mid 40’s- for “how to live your life” & “Achieving your childhood dreams”..

Unfortunately, last Friday Randy Pausch died; and strangely I felt very sad after hearing the news. The thing that left me wondering a min or two; because I knew that he was dying, I’ve never met him before and I got to admit that he didn’t have this dramatic impact on my life (unlike others worldwide).. but still I felt sad.. and I said to myself “Properly life is not what we think it’s all about after all.”..
For Randy just strengthened my belief that.. “Make a life, not just a living.”..

His full lecture

His short presentation in Operah

His lecture’s transcript

His legacy

And finally, Randy Pausch Blog

الاثنين، يوليو 21، 2008

تعددت الوجوه، والشعب واحد

إعتاد الأب إنتقاد الحكومة وشجب أفعالها كلما شاهد تلفازا أو قرأ جريدة، حتى صار الشجب والإنتقاد لغته المفضلة فى الحياة. عندها وكف ابناءه التعجب كلما سمعوا "كليشيهاته" عن الديموقراطية والعدل والحرية. ولما العجب وقد أصبح بالنسبة لهم، مجرد حكومة أخرى.

الأحد، يوليو 06، 2008

الأربعاء، يوليو 02، 2008

When everybody is pushing on me

I wish to go to the desert and get away from all people, except my brother.

I would go with no bags, but few books and 1 mobile phone to call my mother, and that's it…

Just forget about the whole universe.. and live in peace, ever after..