الثلاثاء، أكتوبر 31، 2006

لما اتكلمت

السطور القادمة بقلم صديقة عزيزة.. رفضت ذكر اسمها.. واظن من حقها

اول مره اتعرض فيها لتحرش كنت معدتش عشره حداشر سنه
كنت مع خالو راكبين اتوبيس و الدنيا زحمه نوعا ما، فجاه خالو طلع قدام و هو بيقولى تعالى عشان فيه مكان فضى، لقيت واحد مسكنى جامد و مسك ايدى و حطها على بنطلونه. قعدت احاول اشدها و انا مرعوبه و مستغربه من الراجل ده وجريت ناحيه خالو و قعد و خدنى على حجره، بعد شويه فضى المكان اللى جنبنا و مين قعد..
الراجل الغريب..فضلت طول الطريق لازقه فى الشباك و مرعوبه لحد ما نزلنا

و تمر السنين و تكبر و تفهم و تتوجع و تتخدش مش بس من بره
تعلم فيك اوى من جوه
من ابن قريب بيعاملك حلو و تلعبوا وسط العيال و فجاءه تلاقيه لما تحطكوا الظروف بيعمل فيك حاجات فكرتك بالراجل الغريب. مش بس كده ده بيقدر يوصلك مره و اتنين، حتى و انت نايم و تصحى فجاه تلاقيك بيحسس على جسمك واعضائك
تترعب اكتر تفضل عامل نايم
و لما يزول الخطر تحس من جواك بذنب فظيع و خوف تشتكى تطلع غلطان او كداب
لصاحب محل عجوز عرفه و عارفينوا اهلك و ياما ساعدوه، بستفرد بيك و يبوسك فى مدخل العماره
لسيل مخلصش كل ما سنين عمركك بتزيد و تحركاتك بتزيد
طلعت مؤدب ساكت خواف
مش عارف ايه حتقول
اخت مامتك الكبيره اللى مكملتش تعليم كانت طول الوقت بتضربك و تقولك ياويلك لو لعبتى مع ولاد، ياويلك لو كلمتى ولاد، مع ان كلنا ولاد و بنات كنا سوا
اتربينا سوا كبرنا سوا، اهلنا مقلولناش كده
بس عشان انت صغير خفت و عيطت
يمكن عشان كده كنت مرعوب تتكلم
يمكن عشان كده لحد دلوقتى بتكرهها و تكره جهلها
و القدر اللى خلاها موجوده فى مساحه كبيره من طفولتك

مع الوقت اتعلمت تكره و تهرب و انت اخرس، لكن جواك صريخ و غضب و ألم
جواك احساس انك مذنب و انك مكسوف من نفسك و من جسمك و حاسس بالقرف
و يفضل معاك الاحساس و الذكريات لا قادر تدفنها و لا قادر تخبيها
بتنط كل مره تتعرض لخدش جديد و انتهاك جديد
ايدين بتحسس ..ايدين بتنهشك و تجرى
عيون كرهتها ..كلام زى السيوف يتغرز فى ودانك
و تكره جسمك و احساسك بالضعف و النقص
و تكره الرجاله اللى بينهشوا
و تحس من جواك ان كتيير منهم حيوانات مستخبين فى كل توب..عيل راجل و شيخ عجوز

مع الوقت كرهت سكوتك و عياطك و صريخك جواك و هروبك اللى مكنتش بتعرف تعمل حاجه غيره
انت فيه وقت عدى عليك فكرت تتنقب او تشيل مطواه تحمى نفسك بيهاز بفيت بتحاول تكون شجاع و تتكلم، بطلت تعيط و تفتكر، بقيت بتحاول تتكلم و متسكتش لما تنتهك. و بقيت حذر جدا جدا سواء فى المواصلات او فى علاقاتك، خصوصا الشارع و المواصلات، بتاخد بالك لو قعدت جمب حد..
بتعتبره مذنب لحد برائته ما تبان..

مبتقدرتش تنكر ان فيه صدع معرفتش ترممه، حتى لما بصعوبه قبلت تقرب من انسان، دايما كنت خايف و فيه سور، مينتعرفش حتى تتكلم و خايف تكتشف ان اللى قدامك وحش
و لما اتغلبت على كتير
و بقى عندك استعداد مش بس تحب و تتحب، لا تتجوز و يكون ليك شريك
كنت مرعوب و مقدرتش تتغلب على فكره ان حد يقرب منك و يلمسك
لدرجه انك لجأت لمساعده

أرجو بعد قراءة التدوينة السابقة.. المشاركة فى الفكرة المطروحة الجديدة
"اتكلموا.. لنكسر حاجز الصمت"
حتى يتم تفعيل القضية و تحولها الى قضية رأى عام عن جد

احب التنويه كذلك أن "معات" و"قطر الندى" اول من طالبوا بتنفيذ هذه الفكرة وقد قام "مالك" مشكورا بالمساندة و التفعيل
لكم منى خالص تحية

بى اس مهم جدا: لو اى حد شاف او سمع او حتى سجل اللى اتذاع فى برنامج "القاهرة اليوم" مع الرائع دائما "عمرو أديب" على قناة الأوربت.. ياريت يبعت و يوافينا بآخر المستجدات

الاثنين، أكتوبر 30، 2006

Last feast I was wondering whether I’d ever meet her again or not.
And it was not..
My favorite uncle’s wife just passed away.. and I am feeling sad begad.
I used to love this lady as my mother..
Now she’s gone.. and the whole house is falling into tragedy

May God bless her soul..
وانا لله وانا اليه راجعون

الأحد، أكتوبر 29، 2006

لازم تبقى قضية رأى عام

للفترة اللى فاتت كنت عايشة فى دور المصدومة من أخبار مالك، لانه شئ أقل ما يقال عنه امر محزن. وكان اول رد فعل ليا انى ارسلت اللينك لكل من أعرف فى أى مكان، وعنوان رسالتى كانت عبارة اخجل انى اكررها الحقيقة، انما اعمل ايه من شدة الغضب اللى كان يقتلنى فى صمت. أصعب شئ انك تفقد ايمانك باعز الاشياء الى قلبك.. وهذا الشئ كان بلدى.. مصر
بلدى اللى طول عمرى احلف بحياتها و بكرم ناسها و طيبتها و دفئ مشاعر الأخوة و الروابط القديمة مابينهم. دلوقتى وفى لحظة واحدة.. اتهد المعبد، وفقدت ايمانى بأهلها وجدعنت ناسها..
لكن بعد ما نبهنى بعض الاصدقاء الى انه لا يصح استخدام مثل هذه الالفاظ، اعتذرت. وفى وقت اعتذارى فكرت.."أنا ليه محموقة قوى كدة؟؟ انا ليه مستغربة من الاصل؟"

عندنا دكتور فى القسم دايما يكرر علينا مقولته الشهيرة..
"لو انت متضايق من تقديرك لاستمرار انخفاضه.. يبقى دور على طريقة مذاكرتك و غيرها.. انما لو مصر تكمل على نفس طريقتك القديمة.. يبقى ما تستغربش.."

وحقيقى هو دا السبب اللى خلانى افقد استغرابى بالامر، فقط كل شئ ممل و رتيب و يثير الشفقة. كل شئ جامد لا يتحرك أبدا. كل شئ طاله العفن الفكرى والروتينية المميتة. طبيعى الحالة الاقتصادية و السياسية و الفكرية وحتى الاجتماعية و الأخلاقية يصبها نفس العفن. طبيعى تنحدر البلد من بِركتها لبركة أشد قذارة وتعفن. وبكرة.. بكرة اللى شمسه لسا ما طلعت ح يكون فى عتمته أسوء بس للأسف ح نكون خلاص يا هاجرنا برة البلد.. يا طالنا الأجل.. يا أصابتنا نفس حالة اللا مبالاة و الأنامالية المستفحلة..

واحدة صاحبتى مهاجرة أمريكا كانت لسا بتقول لى من لحظات لما ورتها لينك مالك "عارفة انا بطلت أقرأ البلوجز.. وحتى اشتراك الدستور قطعته.. بتعب قوى.. تفتكرى ح يحصل ايه بعد كدة فى مصر؟"

بس بعد كل دا الواقعة المذكورة مش هى المشكلة.. دى مجرد القشة اللى أظهرت ما خفى من الأمر.
ويمكن ردود افعال البعض رجعنى تانى لنفس البداية.. العيب فينا مش فى اللى حولينا..
طول ما جوانا لسا بنحكم على الاشياء من ظاهرها من غير ما نتعب نفسنا و نحاول نفهم ايه الاسباب و نقتص المشكلة من جذورها.. طول ما انهم قدروا يضحكوا علينا بكلمتين وطبطبة علينا كل مرة واحنا بنصدق، او بنستعبط ونعمل نفسنا بنصدق.. ح نفضل على طول زى ما احنا كدة محلك سر.. طب اقول ايه بس.. اقول ايه و رد البعض يمكن من قبل ما يقرأ "ماهى لو البنات بتحترم نفسها.. ماهى لو البنت لابسة." ويختموها مسك "دى آخرة اللى ما يطبقش دينه.." فكر اقل ما اقول عنه متخلف.. وأدمغة مصدية..
ايه و الرجالة مسلوبة الفكر و الارادة لهذه الدرجة، واصبحت مقادة بغرائزها الحيوانية لهذا الحد؟؟؟

كلام مكرر و معاد، ومش عايزة اظلم نفسى و اظلم القارئ و أدخل فيه عشان ممل. بكل حرف بيتكب فيه ممل. بكل كلمة حد يقولها.. ممل...

اساس القضية مش فى البنت ولا عمر ما اساسها كان دينى عشان الحكم عليها بهذا المنظور الضيق
القضية قضية انسانية، ثقافية فى المقام الأول..
بداية من تعريف ان البنت زى الولد فى الآخر "كلنا انسان".. لا تقل ولا تزيد عنه فى شئ

كان ممكن اتخيل ايه و مجتمعاتنا تسلب حقوق المرأة تحت مسميات لا اساس لها من الصحة تعطى الحق لمن لا يستحق و تجعل المرأة مجرد أداة إغراء و سلعة تباع و تشترى و يتحكم فيها على كيف كيف المتفرج... فبالتالى لما الرئيس يأخذ حق مرؤوسيه، والجار ياخد حق جاره، والزميل ياخد حق زميله بدون اى وجه حق، والرجل يتسلط على حق المرأة.. لا تستبعد ان المشاكل تتفاقم لاسوأ من كدة كمان..

تانى ح سأل عن حلول فى قضية خسرانة؟؟؟

لكن لاء.. طول ما أنا عايشة مش ح يأس ولا ح سكت.. ح تكلم و ح قول... خلاص ماعدش فى ايدي اسلحة غير كلمتى... أه.. بس الكلام بقى بيوجع قوى.. بيوجع و بيتعب الواحد قوى قوى..

عارفين لما كل واحد يتعامل بمبدأ "انا افهم قبل ما احكم".. التسرع آفة معظمنا، وكتير مننا يقول حاجة ويرجع فيها بعدين.. ممكن نلاقى الحل
ولما كل واحد مننا يقد مع نفسه يعلم نفسه بنفسه المبادئ الانسانية قبل الدينية. كلنا قبل ما نكون مسلمين او مسيحيين او حتى ملحدين... كلنا انسان.. ولا يقلل من قدر اى انسان ان كان مسلم ولا مصرى ولا امريكى ولا حتى ولد او بنت.. (ودا كانت أهم مبادئ "يوم: كلنا ليلى" اللى كتير شاركوا فى حملة الاسفاف والتقليل من الفكرة) كلنا مساويين فى الحقوق و الواجبات.. بعد كدة تأتى التقوى والطاعة لله عز وجل. ودا شئ مش فى ايدى اغير غيرى فيه.. انما اقدر انى اساعد فى هداية آخر لما يلاقى انى قدوة حسنة يقتدى بيها ويفتخر بمعرفتها
وأخيرا لما ينتهى عصر الانانية والسلبية.. الواحد لازم يبطل بقى نظام "الانا مالية".. كلنا عايشين تحت سقف نفس البلد.. ولما تتهد (وغالبا دا عن قريب) ح تتهد على راسنا كلنا وراس اولادنا و أقاربنا و أحبابنا

وطلب أخير من فقهاء و علماء الامة دى.... ارحمونا من الفتاوى عجيبة الشأن بتاعتكم. ارحمونا من القضايا الشكلية فى الدين. الاسلام أصبح لا عمل ولا معاملة ولا حتى عبادة. الدين اصبح امتثال ظاهرى وبس. افهموا بقى انكم يتضيعوا من ايدكم الأمة مش بتقوموها...
"لكل مقام مقال" يا اهل الله و دلوقتى مش مقال التفاهات و صغائر الأمور. دلوقتى مش وقت الجدل والتضارب والمشاجرات المستمرة بيننا... الوقت وقت ان كل واحد يلم اهل بيته ويعيد ترتيب أوراق الحياة...
وانتم يا فقهاء الشعب وأولياء أمره عليكم أكبر جزء.. ومحاسبتكم ان شاء الله اشد ميت مرة من الجهلاء المتخبطين اللى زينا عشان بجد، لم يستطع اى منكم لحد هذه اللحظه انه يحافظ على ما وهبه الله من نعمة العلم وغرسها فى قلوب الشباب.. بدليل كل ما يطفو الآن على سطح مجتمعاتنا..

دلوقتى نفسى أغمض عينى وأتوه وأحلم.. أحلم وأمنى نفسى بيوم بعيد لسا خيوط نوره ما بانت فى الأفق.. أحلم بيوم المصرى يحس فيه آدميته وينتهى من حياته كابوس اسمه "ثقافة لقمة العيش".....
حلم صعب.. عارفة... ومش قادرة اكمل غير بــ "يا الف حسرة عليك يا بلد.."

بى اس:
دى كانت مشاركتى فى احد المنتديات ردا على نفس الموضوع، مع التغير فى صياغة بعض أجزاءه

ياريت قراءة كل هذه التدوينات لنفس القضية (جارى البحث و التحديث):
انى راحلة -- تجربتى
سوسة المفروسة -- ليه
كلبوزة -- حلول للوقاية من التحرش الجنسي
فريدة -- لم يبلغ أحد؟!
واحدة مصرية -- أخى المتحرش.. عيب كدة
زبيدة -- شئ من الخوف
بنت مصرية -- مبارك الجنس المصري
انى راحلة -- عن ثورة الجياع
رضوى هكذا انا -- استمرار ثورة الجياع لليوم الثاني علي التوالي
القهوة العالية -- أزمة وسط البلد، قراءة وحلول
أرابيسك -- عن مهزلة وسط البلد
معات -- كسر جدار الصمت
قطر الندى -- بعد أحداث التحرش الجنسي بالستات
شيماء -- الشوارع حواديت
ليلى -- عشان بس محدش يقول ماحصلش
شهروزة -- مصر جرى فيها ايه؟
أحاسيس زجاجية -- بمناسبة احداث وسط البلد المجيدة
بنت سعد -- نظرة على ساعات الجنون فى وسط البلد
Let’s Talk: Let’s take an action -- Nerro
I'm speechless -- Me2
The search for a solution to the sexual harassment -- Zenobia
seriously,shoot me for being a girl -- StrawBerry
Of Cats and Uncovered Meat -- Hope

ردود افعال الاعلام:
منى الشاذلى -- العاشرة مساء
د. سحر الموجى (المصرى اليوم) -- الجنسي قبل النووي يا حكومة
د. نبيل شرف الدين (المصرى اليوم) -- انتفاضة المتحرشين وسط القاهرة
مصراوى -- انتهاكات جماعية وتحرش جنسي بالفتيات في وسط القاهرة
العربية -- غضب في مصر بعد حوادث "تحرش جنسي جماعي" في قلب القاهرة
مصراوى -- طلب إحاطة حول حوادث هتك العرض بوسط البلد

الجمعة، أكتوبر 27، 2006

To-do list

Nonosh advised me to write down my to-do list explicitly on blog, to get out of my “falling down” and “surrendering” state.. it might help me getting down to real business, enough wasting time ba2a!

short term goals:
  1. (done) iron my tomorrow's cloths
  2. (done) clean my shoe.
  3. fix Lasto's HTML code.

Semi short goals:
  1. collect written notes on digital IC's slids.
  2. (done)complete digital ICs sections
  3. (done)do digital ICs design report.
  4. Study previous lectures in ASIC.
  5. (done)get the final lost lecture in satallite communications.
  6. Complete the lost lecture in microwave devices.
  7. collect the microwaves sections.
  8. re-write communication systems 2 sections.
  9. study previous communication systems lectures.
  10. finish all undone sheets, or try to get answers somewhere.

long term goals:
  1. Dcrease blogging & onlining
  2. Increase focusing.
  3. Finish reading "Sefr el bnyan", then "A5rt el mamlek"
  4. learn sleeping early
  5. return back to DXing.

Virtue is my favorite sin.. thus I said

Saturday, 21st October (night):
I asked some people on the bloggers’ room to congratulate me for just knowing “tomorrow is declared off” from my department in college. Yuppie! However, I ask, why the 2 feasts are only 2 months back to back?!

Sunday 22nd October (night):
Started watching “Mohammed – LOP”. One of the best Islamic movies one would see. Got a lot to tell about, but have no will to at the moment.

Monday 23rd October (morning):
Feast prayers went fine. Now I got to travel to my relatives to my father. Hate them, hate the day, hate the place and the people. Hate the everything there.

Tuesday 24th October (night):
Return from my uncle’s visits “to my mother’. We had a lot of usual fights and arguments concerning us and our parents. They always criticize our lingering to our PCs! I can’t get WHY till now! Why the hell they repeat that on and on? We’ve said many time, it’s our way of life, leave us alone. But they never listen and never give us a chance.

Wednesday 25th October (night):
I watched “V for vendetta”. I can say it loudly, its might be the best on all levels. Story, script, acting..etc. loved It especially V’s quotations. I should be gathering the favorite ones, once upon a time, after my 2nd watch isA. Now I really got no will for any thing on earth.!

Friday 27th October 2006 (2:45 am):
My clock is not adjusted properly, and since the 1st day of the feast I didn’t have the urge to fix it. Somehow I lose connection with time when I spend much time in house. As if time melts away in the usual looks of the dull walls. I even got to place my little Disney’s calendar beside me to remember the day, though it’s a bit easy for me, since tomorrow the 28th is my mother’s birthday.
Just finished “the lake house”, ALLAH’s most boring movie seen this weekend. HUH! I’ve now completed 4 movies in one weekend, quite a hit for me.. never did that before even on my holidays. Am I that bored?!
Anyways, the movie is utter rubbish. I saw the Korean version before that one, there for I lost part of the magic knowing what gona happen afterwards. “lake house” is a bit faster and more logical, however “Il mare” is more realistic, at least the ending. How could you change someone’s death?!
Break: my father is shouting now with my brother and I am afraid and down. Yes I am afraid from him. Hate it awi… and want to write even more.. and read more.. can’t sleep.
Back: Both ways, both movies are not worth watching, romance for romance’s sack which is crap.

Friday 27th October (3:45 pm):
Now I am writing the above on the pc, and going to publish but the router is out as usual. I began to doubt our neighbor (the one who got the router) take it off for him alone! Yes some doubts might be sins (as how I’m taught in Islam), but.. I do not know…
واتقوا الشبهات
After all…. I’ll go and wait till its back, then publish. Then search for a proper pic to upload. Am I talkative lately to write such flood of posts? I’ll be closing my Arabic for a while except for exceptional things. I need a break, to get down to my bubble again, to stay with me longer.

tomorrow will go back college, the thought hurts.. Bye

Same old boring romance...

The only Good dialouge from "The lake House"...

Kate: you weren’t there, you didn’t come.
Alex: I don’t understand. Something must’ve happened. I’m sorry. I’ve got two years and we can try again.
Kate: no, Alex. It’s too late. It already happened. It didn’t work.
Alex: don’t give up on me, Kate. What about “persuasion”? you told me they wait, they meet again. They have another chance.
Kate: life is not a book, Alex. And it can be over in a second. I was having lunch with my mother at daily plaza. And a man was killed right in front of me. He died in my arms. And I thought it can’t end just like that on Valentines Day. And I thought about all the people who love him, waiting at home, who will never see him again. Then I thought what if there is no life? What if you live your whole life and no one is waiting. So I drove to the lake house looking for any kinds of answer. And I found you. And I let my self get lost, lost in this beautiful fantasy when time just stood still. But it’s not real Alex. I have to learn to live the life that I’ve got. Please don’t write any more. Don’t try to find me. Let me let you go.

هذه الحياة

عـــش ما شـئت فـإنـك مـيـت
وأحـبب مـن شـئت فـإنـك مـفـارق
وأعـمـل مـا شـئت فـكـما تـديـن تـدان

عن قول جبريل لسيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

الثلاثاء، أكتوبر 24، 2006

Before I travel..

One day ago, having my daily cup of coffee was sort of impossible dreams. Now it’s all true, I’m having my morning coffee in my own hands. People! Can’t believe my eyes..
>> Ya! That’s feast spirit..

Today’s morning, I went with my mother and father to a nearby mosque for eid prayer, my brother preferred a distant mosque for it was bigger where he’d meet some of his friends. Hmm, you know we’ve moved in years earlier. And till this moment I never adapted myself to the neighborhood. Its like feeling alienated from the every surrounding, “that’s not my place, that’s not my home!”..
I remember in my childhood the other mosques we used to pray in, much wider with lots of people to meet. Here, there isn’t a single person I know. That’s why I wasn’t enthusiastic going to that small nearby mosque, and was about to cancel the whole thingie. Anyways, we went there after the “1st takberat” were said standing beside some old lady keda in the open garden.

After the prayer was done, we discovered the lady is our neighbor in the same building..
>> Hurray! 1st to know in here…
Then guess what?! We found some people distributing small bags to kids with some balloons, choco.. etc. it was a nice gesture I missed in my childhood, more over, there was that nice looking lady distributing dates “tamr” and choco for much older people (like me :D ) ,, that was cool as well,,,

The best thing, as usual, the kids praying.. their looking in hijab really out of this world. Hijab means purity of the person, so what if you’ve seen some little something pure from inside and outside. Its… indescribable..
After the prayers, returned home with our neighbor to discover her daughter is equal to me in age!!! Quite strange, I never seen her, or knew she exists aslant, and probably she’d think of me the same.. yalla, ma 3alena..

As I reached home, opened the door and here I am in my right place “online” :D .. met few friends. replied some emails, Checked latest in blogs, bombared with silly SMS’s, then thought of blogging a bit before I’m off for the 1st boring visits for my relatives to my father, that (can’t hide) I hate the most of all!

Now I got 5 things left on my to do list:
  1. reply on “Sherif Nagib”’s last lengthy comment on my latest post “Movie time
  2. write my thoughts on “Muhammed – LOP”
  3. Continue my thoughts on “internet addiction” and reply on “The eye witness” comment.
  4. Write some thoughts I thought of about Islam and love yesterday night before sleeping… wonder how people would perceive it..!

Ok, its time to go for my relatives.. wish me easy time..

c ya soon , in shaa ALLAH

Movie time..

It appears to me that I am in the mood for movies now. Lots of them. Just checking my brother’s PC to find over 20 movies he downloaded and never mentioned anything about!
So here it goes. Now I am watching “Muhammed - Legacy of a Prophet”; then on my check list I’d follow by “V.For.Vendetta” and “The.Lake.House

Hmm, these are the names that attracted my attention. I might try “Syriana” according to AG’s suggestion, though I’m not very much enthusiastic. Enough blood I’ve watched in “Munich(by the way, I don’t know why I didn’t mention that movie previously.. guess me should).. and there is “Pride.and.Prejudice” another hit I watched couple of months earlier, and “Serendipity” that was my best of all. (guess I mentioned “Serendipity” yet in the other space that was deleted some time ago)

On the same folder there are some other names left like “The omen”, “the polar express” and other animation movies. I love animations. The best of all the best for me was “Anastasia”. I searched for it hell of times online but didn’t find a proper one with proper number of seeds to download! However, every now and then I try my luck till I have it and watch over and over and over and over…..

Still, I insist, me not movies fan. TV was and will be my worst enemy. Yet on the other hand, from time to time you have to go up to real life a bit. So now, it’s enough imaginations, and let me continue “Muhammed - Legacy of a Prophet” in peace.
In the next days I’d sure be writing something about it, it’s a good watch..

Yalla, wish me pleasant watching

الاثنين، أكتوبر 23، 2006

On Eid and stuff

I’ve just finished replying the hell of emails congratulating the “Eid”.. hmm, some years ago I would feel extremely happy when someone sends me a simple email saying “Happy feast” or whatever.. I’d feel s/he remembered me.. and that was the best gift I’d have in any feast.. even better than my new clothes.

However, as years pass by and technology became more common, I feel sending emails and replying turned more into a routine, systematic steps you do..
Open your email, select all the members in your contact list, then click compose..
Write the most ordinary sentences you’d think of,, then click,, its send..

Wake up tomorrow to find hell of replies in need to be check and replied to..
With one click I can say “happy feast” to over 200 person at a time.. and can make an auto response message for anyone who replies.. and that’s it.. the meaning is lost..

Tell you something, the feast lost its meaning in the 1st place. Seriously, and its not because I am older now, its because the spirit among us is different…
Hmm, ok,, I guess this shouldn’t be said now on the eid’s eve,, let the kids celebrate.. and me go study :D .. I didn’t open a single book ever since the start of this year.. sooo got zillions of things to check and reports to do..

Lazy lazy blue as usual.. yet after all, Happy Happy Eid to you.. and Delicious 3’orayba .. (3’orayba my best cookie for the eid by the way ;) )

Tada.. it’s a Bye

الأحد، أكتوبر 22، 2006

Life is too short to wonder about my mistakes.

According to someone’s advice, yesterday I watched the Japanese movie “In the mood for love”. Hmm, the movie is OK and a good watch provided you are an Asian culture fan. Else don't risk; you’d hate your life and the living.
The movie had few problems with me due the subtitle hassle. It was a Japanese movie with Spanish dub :D without English subtitle. And despite the .avi , I couldn’t play it on wmp or jet audio or real or anything! Had to download VLC and DIVx6 and still the subtitles I fetched won’t play .. after hell of trials, it worked,, and I was happy ;)

The rhyme of the movie is very slow, and would get on your nerve. Even the ending itself was some stupid crap. However, I liked the story much. It’s all about 2 people, a he and a she. They were living in the same building and discovered they are identical in every single detail. Starting by their favorite dish.. to their interests ..etc. even to their amazement, they discovered their partners were cheating on them and guess what.. Together!
So, all the time they were actually trying helping themselves to get out of the problem. Ironically they found themselves in the problem. They didn’t wish to be like them, but there were them.. soo..
I won’t tell the ending, for if anyone interested to watch it though. And still I am on my word.. go watch it if you like such films. The Asian ones are almost like a documentary, not like usual American movies, but they got a message after all, and a new story with a twist. Plus the most favorite thing to me, their movies are very very very clean. I haven’t seen a single one rated (apart from the big joke of latest BYJ April snow, it was an utter failure).

The best 2 things in the movie, the OST, a real hit and few dialogues… here is one of them

> I’ve had enough of the gossip.
>> We know it's not true, so why worry?
> I used to think that too, and it didn't worry me. But l was wrong. You won't leave your husband. So I’d rather go away.
>> I didn't think you'd fall in love with me.
> I didn't either. I was only curious to know how it started. Now I know. Feelings can creep up just like that.

  • I loved the protagonist’s dressing a lot.. why do not we have such style in Egypt?
  • The title was said by the hero, and I think it very true..
  • I think, I’m going to have a 2nd watch other time..

A mere question

When I am in the mood for a dance.. would you take my hands?

السبت، أكتوبر 21، 2006

The last to expect

After all that time, my father does not know me still


NB: i opened the comments for this post.. because I badly need help.. I do not wish to continue this way for long... I am slowly losing MY life..

Most researchers agree that for many Internet addicts, the root of the problem is that the person is trying to avoid something in their life. Internet addicts typically have problems in their everyday life, usually related to family, relationships, work, or school. Many addicts are unemployed and have a lot of time on their hands. Going online is a safe, fast, and easy way to escape the problems of life, or simply to fill the empty and lonely hours of the long day.

Like any other addiction, Internet addiction will eventually create problems in the life of the addict. Usually the first problem to arise is with the addict's relationships with a spouse, friends, and/or family. Because the addict spends more and more time in solitary seclusion, they are spending less time with their loved ones. Arguments and interventions often lead to the addict lying about how much time they spend online, which invariably leads to distrust and discontent from loved ones.

When Internet addiction spirals out of control, people spend far less time doing the activities they used to enjoy. Every aspect of their daily lives becomes neglected, and their well-being begins to suffer. The powerful stimulation of the Internet causes the addict to become bored with activities that are mundane in comparison, such as reading.

Source: Are You Addicted To The Internet?

الجمعة، أكتوبر 20، 2006

May you have a pleasent day

Don't underestimate the value of your friends
Don't take for granted your family
A walk on the beach, glory of the sea
Sweet satisfaction of an excellent tea

Don't overlook romance or the joy of a spring
The glow in your children's eyes or the happiness they bring
A fine wine, a good book, dancing cheek to cheek
Warm conversation over an excellent tea

The destination is the journey, not the journey's end
So be where you are
Be well, my friend

Share your smile with someone, take time to laugh
Be curious, be bold, be strong and steadfast
Respect yourself, kindness is the key
Put a little love in your excellent tea

This song was sent to me long ago by a friend, and so I tend to remember always :)
and try as possible to share its charming beauty with all I know

Excellent Tea (click to download)- James T Slater

Just for laughs

I know you'll knock your head and fall on floor laughing :)

Pleasent watching

الخميس، أكتوبر 19، 2006

Try it yourself :)

I must have read about that on some blog (sadly, i do not remember now). However, personal advise.. Gmail Skins.. Just ROCKS..

wana thank the one I do not remember :)


سأشاهدك ترقص رقصتك الأخيرة.. وحيدا
ولن أشغل بالى كثيرا
سادية أنا يا عزيزى فى تعلقى بالاشياء

سأراقبك تصارع منازعاتك.. بعيدا
ولن أمنع نفسى من التلذذ فى صمت
رقيقة انا يا عزيزى.. لكنى كنت

الثلاثاء، أكتوبر 17، 2006

The Book of Origins: A special extract

Parking meters date back to 1932. Newspapers were read in ancient Rome. The first e-mail was sent in 1971, and coffee was enjoyed by Ethiopians more than a thousand years ago. Everything had to begin somewhere, and as Trevor Homer reveals, the truth about the origins of what surrounds us is a lot stranger than we might imagine
Published: 11 October 2006 in "The independent"

The earliest song to have been written down was a Syrian cult hymn, the Hymn to Creation, written in cuneiform characters, and dated at between 3,400 and 4,000 years old.

A form of flute was played by the Neanderthal. The earliest examples have been dated at between 43,000 and 82,000 years old, and one ancient bone flute has been discovered with holes spaced for half-tones. The Egyptians, Etruscans and ancient Greeks all played flutes.

The ancient Egyptians first used papyrus for writing on from about 2400BC. Although the word "paper" is derived from papyrus, the two products are different. Papyrus is made from sheets of thinly cut strips from the stalks of the Cyperus papyrus plant; paper is made from the matted fibres of a variety of plants, which are soaked, sieved and rolled flat. The earliest paper was invented by in China in AD105. By AD750, paper was being used in Samarkand. By AD794 it had spread to Baghdad, and then on to the rest of the world.

Around 600BC, there was consensus among Mediterranean cultures to adopt left-to-right, top-to-bottom writing and reading. Before that, there had been a mixture of right-to-left and bottom-to-top, and even "boustrophedon", which involved writing backwards and forwards on alternate lines.

The earliest shorthand was used in 4BC by the Greeks. They used symbols in which a single stroke could represent words. This system was referred to as stenography (narrow writing).

Pigeon post was used first by the Sumerians in 776BC. The first royal mail was introduced by Henry VIII in 1516, when he appointed Sir Brian Tuke as his Master of the Posts. The service was for everyone, but the public was discouraged from using what was effectively the king's private service. The Royal Mail as we know it was established in 1635, and the Royal Charter was granted in 1839. Postcoding of all addresses in the UK was completed in 1974.

The first use of e-mail was in 1971. It had been developed by Ray Tomlinson (b 1941). The first e-mail message was "qwertyuiop" (the letters on the top line of a keyboard), and Tomlinson chose the @ symbol to denote which user was "at" which computer. Asked why he had invented e-mail when there was no known demand for it, Tomlinson replied, "Because it seemed like a neat idea."

The brick is probably the most ancient man-made building material still in common use. Approximately 6,000 years ago, the Babylonians began using bricks for construction. The bricks were produced from clay that was deposited by the overflowing rivers Tigris and Euphrates. As the region lacked timber for fuel, the Babylonians were forced to rely on drying the bricks in the sun, which is effective in areas of low humidity.

In 2500BC, the Egyptians used gypsum and lime mortar to bond, level and align the stone blocks when building the pyramids. Large quantities of gypsum had to be shipped in from the lime-rich Nile Delta to the Giza plateau, and mixed with smaller quantities of lime to produce the mortar.

The first known private detective agency was set up in 1833 by Eugène François Vidocq (1775-1857), in Paris. Vidocq called his agency the Bureau de Renseignements (Office of Intelligence). After a long career as a criminal, Vidocq swapped being an informer in exchange for an amnesty on his previous crimes.

The appearance of motion on a screen is made possible as a result of an optical phenomenon known as "persistence of vision", that occurs when a series of still photographs are projected rapidly on to a screen. The main technical innovations involved in producing moving pictures were achieved in France in the 1880s and 1890s by the brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière, and in the USA by Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931). However, a ground-breaking contribution was made in 1889 by William Friese-Green (1855-1921), of England, who invented the cine camera. He recorded a film of the Esplanade in Brighton using paper film negative. Later the same year, he replaced the paper with celluloid, which remains the standard material to this day.

The basis of pizza, unleavened bread, has been around for centuries, and historical writings record that the ancient Egyptians,Greeks and Romans all used a form of flat unleavened bread as a base for vegetables. The invention of the first modern pizza is credited to the Neapolitan restaurant owner Raffaele Esposito. His Pizza alla Margherita, combining pizza crust, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and basil - the red, white and green of the Italian flag - was produced to commemorate the visit of Queen Margherita (1851-1926) to Naples in 1889.

In the first century AD, the Roman Emperor Nero ordered runners to pass buckets of snow from the mountains in the north, along the Appian Way, down to Rome. The snow was mixed with red wine and honey to be served at banquets. The Chinese may have invented a form of half-frozen fruit-flavoured ice cream in the first millennium AD. Marco Polo (1254-1324) returned to Venice from the Far East with recipes for concoctions made of snow, fruit juice and fruit pulp.

The American restaurant owner George Crum invented crisps - or potato chips, as they are known in the US - in 1853, after the railway and shipping magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794-1877) had complained about the thickness of the French fries being served in Crum's New York restaurant. Mass-marketing of crisps began in the USA in 1926, when Mrs Laura Scudder began to sell them in waxed paper bags. Scudder invented the airtight bag to keep the crisps fresh, by ironing together pieces of waxed paper.

While he was investigating the properties of light in his laboratory at the University of Würzburg, in Germany, on 8 November 1895, Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (1845-1923) discovered X-rays. By January of 1896, the world was gripped by "X-ray mania", and within a few months, X-rays were being widely used as diagnostic tools. The first ever X-ray picture was of Roentgen's wife's left hand.

The invention of spectacles is attributed to Salvino d'Armato (d 1317), who introduced them in Florence in 1268. His spectacles had no arms, and had to be balanced or held on the nose. Arms were not added until the 18th century, in Paris. In 1727, the English optician Edward Scarlett extended the arms to fit over the ears.

The first human heart transplant was performed by Christiaan Barnard (1922-2001), a cardiac surgeon at Groote Schuur hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, on a 55-year-old retired grocer, Louis Washkansky, on 3 December 1967. Washkansky died 18 days later from pneumonia, not failure of the new heart. The donor was Louise Darvall, who had died after a car accident.

The American Joel Houghton developed the first dishwasher in 1850. He patented a wooden machine with a hand-turned wheel, which splashed water on dishes. It failed to become a household item. In 1886, Josephine Cochrane, a wealthy widow in Illinois invented and patented a dishwashing machine because she was dissatisfied with the treatment her servants were giving to her china, and disliked washing up herself. It consisted of wire compartments, into which the dirty china was placed. These were then put on to a wheel inside a copper boiler. The wheel was turned by a motor as hot, soapy water cleaned the china. The machine was used in hotels and restaurants.

A forerunner to the vacuum cleaner was invented in 1901 by the British engineer H Cecil Booth. He developed a petrol-powered, horse-drawn cleaning device, Puffing Billy. The device was for commercial purposes, and would be parked outside offices and shops, with a long suction hose running inside. It was not a commercial success. The domestic vacuum cleaner was invented in 1907 by James Spangler, a janitor in Ohio.

In ancient India, Egypt, Greece and Rome, wealthy citizens made use of snow cellars, pits dug into the ground and filled with straw and wood. Ice from mountains could be stored for several months. The first domestic refrigerator was developed in 1834 by the American inventor Jacob Perkins (1766-1849). The machine worked by manually activating a pump and converting the heat produced into a heat loss between two separate chambers. It wasn't a success because of the long time it took to reduce temperature sufficiently to cool liquids and keep food fresh. The first commercially successful domestic refrigerator was produced in 1916 by the Kelvinator Company, now owned by Electrolux.

Horse-drawn vehicles for hire, known as hackney carriages, have been on the streets of London and Paris since the early 17th century. The taxi is named after the taximeter, invented in Germany in 1891 by Wilhelm Bruhn to record distance and time so that arguments over fares would be avoided. The first motorised London taxi was the Bersey of 1897. It was battery-driven and nicknamed the Hummingbird as a result of the sound it made. Paris followed Stuttgart with petrol-driven taxis in 1899, London in 1903 and New York in 1907.

The first bridge in the US was built in 1697 in Philadelphia, and still carries traffic on Route 13. The first iron bridge was built in 1779 by Abraham Darby (1750-91) over the Severn at Coalbrookdale in Shropshire. The bridge was closed to vehicles in 1934.

The first lift was invented by Elisha Graves Otis (1811-61) and, in 1853, at P T Barnum's Crystal Palace Exposition in New York, he demonstrated the mechanism that halted the elevator's fall if the hoisting cable was severed. The first commercial passenger lift had a steam-driven lifting mechanism, and was installed in the E V Haughwout & Co department store in New York City in 1857.

The origin of staircases is uncertain, but two Cretan palaces built around 1500BC have staircases, and on the Tai Shan road, in China, there are granite steps built 3,000 years ago.

The first escalator was produced and installed by the Otis Company at its factory in 1899. Otis registered the word "escalator" as a trademark, but it quickly passed into common use, and the registration was dropped. The first escalator installed for public use was at the Paris Exposition of 1900.

The first official publication was the Acta Diurna (Daily Acts), instituted in 59BC by Julius Caesar in Rome. They were a record of the daily goings-on, such as births, marriages, divorces and deaths, engraved on metal or stone and displayed in public places. They continued to be displayed for the next 300 years. A form of Acta Diurna had appeared in 131BC as a record of the outcome of trials and legal proceedings.

The British Broadcasting Company Limited, which was set up as a commercial company, made its first broadcast on 14 November 1922 from Marconi House in London. By the end of 1922, there were four employees, including John Reith (later Lord Reith 1889-1971), the first managing director. By the end of 1925, there were more than 600 staff. In 1926 the name was changed to the British Broadcasting Corporation.

More properly known as the Greenwich Time Signal, these were first broadcast in 1924, and have been ever since. There are five pips of a 10th of a second each, and a final pip of half-a-second long. The hour changes at the start of the final pip. Every few years, there is a "leap second", when a seventh pip is added to take account of the slowing down of the Earth's rotation.

The modern circus was founded in 1768 by an English trick-rider Philip Astley (1742-1814), who found that centrifugal force made it easy to stand on a horse's back while it galloped round in a circle. He set up a ring close to Westminster Bridge, where he operated a riding school in the mornings, and in the afternoons performed equine acrobatic displays to paying crowds. He took his idea to Paris and formed Le Cirque. The first circus tent was pioneered by J Purdy Brown in 1825, in the US. Until the advent of the "big top", circuses had been held either in buildings or outdoors.

According to ancient myth, in 2737BC, a handful of dried leaves from a tea bush blew into a pot of boiling water, into which the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung was staring. There is no record to say why the water was being boiled, or why the Emperor was staring at it, nor why the leaves had been dried. The story relates that the resulting brew was henceforth known as "tchai", and became China's national drink during the Tang dynasty (AD618-906).

Before AD1000, the Galla tribe of Ethiopia began to eat ground coffee beans mixed with animal fat for extra energy. It is recorded that a goatherd called Kaldi had noticed his goats jumping around with increased energy after chewing berries from wild coffee bushes. He tried them and found renewed vigour when he became tired, supposedly becoming the first person to benefit from a caffeine "shot". News of the added energy to be gained from Kaldi's "magic" beans spread rapidly, and coffee consumption became a national habit.

The modern lead pencil only became possible after the discovery of a deposit of pure graphite in Borrowdale, Cumberland, in 1564, and was first described by the Swiss naturalist Conrad Gesner in 1565. Early versions were made by wrapping graphite in string, but by 1662, wood pencils were being mass produced in Nuremberg, Germany. The pencil eraser, also known as a rubber, was invented by Edward Nairne, of England, in 1770. The pencil sharpener was invented by Therry des Estwaux, of France, in 1847.

The first skyscraper was the Home Insurance Company building in Chicago in 1885. The term "skyscraper" was first used in the 1880s for buildings that were 10 to 20 storeys high. Nowadays the term is applied only to buildings above 40 storeys.

The Pony Express began operating on 3 April 1860, between Missouri and Sacramento, California, and ran its last mail in 1861, shortly after the overland telegraph had been completed in October of that year. During its short, romantic existence, the Pony Express was the fastest means of delivering messages across the US.

The use of a form of mobile telephone (two-way radio) was pioneered by the Chicago police in the 1930s to stay ahead of Prohibition gangsters. The mobile as we know it was invented by Dr Martin Cooper of Motorola. It was first used in 1973 in a demonstration call, made by Cooper to his rival, Joel Engel, of Bell Laboratories.

In 2180BC, the Euphrates was diverted and a brick tunnel was built into the river bed before the water was allowed back on course. The next major tunnel under a river was the Thames Tunnel by Sir Marc Isambard Brunel (1769- 1849; father of Isambard Kingdom Brunel), dug between 1825 and 1843 and connecting Rotherhithe with Wapping . It remains in use by London Underground.

The original automobile was a fardier à vapeur (steam-driven vehicle) built in Paris by Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot (1725-1804) in 1769. He was also the first person ever involved in an automobile accident when he crashed a later model into a brick wall in 1771.

In 1884, the Prussian Paul Gottlieb Nipkow (1860-1940) invented a way of transmitting pictures by wire, using rotating metal discs. Nipkow was granted a patent at the Imperial Patent Office in Berlin, but was never able to demonstrate his system. Television was first demonstrated by John Logie Baird (1888-1946) in 1926 at Selfridges, in London, using a mechanical system of rotating discs, which had been successfully patented in 1924. Baird's system was adopted by the BBC in 1929, although the wholly electronic American system, invented by Philo T Farnsworth (1906-1971), replaced it in 1937.

Carlton Cole Magee invented the parking meter in 1932. The first one, supplied by the Magee-Hale Park-O-Meter Company, was installed in Oklahoma City in 1935.

This is an edited extract from 'The Book of Origins' by Trevor Homer, Piatkus via "The independent"

G'Nite :P

3arfa bgd agml 7aga in our friendship a ?
eno mahma we didn talk much w kd a
i always know i can find an opinion i like 3ndk, whenever

PS: sorry that I copied without asking permission.. :)
PS2: do not forget the article.. hehehe

الاثنين، أكتوبر 16، 2006

Life SUX

I never wished to be a heron of a story as much as I wished to be today.. I read the whole thing and felt like “this is it, I wish to be there” but there was no hints if I can be or can not. There was no guide lines showing direction for a back door. There was no glimpse of a hope.
Sometimes you are doomed to live a story of your own, without a proper escape to go somewhere greener on the other side.. and without the slightest dream someone might be wishing to share you in it as well..

I try not to fetch things away form my hand, but they always come teasing the every bit of me.. I can't have my dreams, I can't go to them and they never come.. And always leave me in that state...

Life SUX and I hate it..

نكهات رمضانية

أدخل النت من الكلية لانه قاطع من بيتنا الكريم بقى له كام يوم.. ألاقى بوست جديد اتنشرلى على "بص وطل"... خمسة كمان و آخد الجنسية البص و طلية

يلا "نأنأوا" فيه لحد ما أعود لقواعدى الانترنتية البلوجاوية سالمة باذن الله

نكهات رمضانية


بى اس: بما اننا فى العشر الأواخر والسماوات مفتوحة باذن الله.. دعواتكم معايا يرجع النت قوام قوام كدة لحسن الحياة بقت صعبة قوى قوى وبالمرة يفتحها فى وشى بخصوص مشروع التخرج.. معرفش حكايته معايا معقربة كدا ليه.. وكمان يفرجها بخصوص موضوع خصوصى كدة (فى الكلية.. ماتفهمونيش غلط) راح احكلكم عليه لو فى العمر بقية

أب ديتز:
بما انى فكرت.. وعلى اساسه قررت ان الموضوع الخصوصى Technical الى حد بعيد.. وعليه فمعتقدش راح يفيد حد لو وجعت دماغكم به

الجمعة، أكتوبر 13، 2006

Today’s nonsense corner

Hmm, I got nothing to write for couple of days. Its like, my book of life is having some gaps in between each now and then. White pages. I didn’t learn, I didn’t like, I didn’t hate. I nearly explored nothing. These are the days I hate the most.
Even the days I called my worst. Keeping the memory “I was alive back then”. Had something to write, had something to remember. Now I have nothing. My memory box is empty for a couple of days and so I have to take from my previous disposal. What a pity!

My life. Lol! I keep wondering about life a lot. Life and time. Both share a great rule in my confusion, dissatisfaction, ignorance and even happiness, sometimes. Riddles all through. One day I found few hints leading to the final answer, other days I’m goofing around doing nothing, like these days. When you feel it creeping all through, emptiness is taking place of the previous emptiness, and nothing new.

Hmm, I guess I lost part of my magic lately. I am no longer that creature, in some ways. I’m no longer the shy person I used to be. I like it, giving myself more space to talk, I love talking. I always talk, and mostly love it more when I say the thing in my head on the spot. I can learn by listening, that true. But I don’t think I’ll enjoy it like “trial and error” technique I’m going on. Drop whatever, and wait for the response. Most of the times I feel I’m no longer “Miss know it all” as how my friends used to make me feel. But tell you something. I never loved being “Miss know it all”, or may be I loved it for sometime, when I was much younger, used to brag about being the president of cultural committee in school. Now I wish not to be observed within titles. Nop at all. I wish to be know within small circle, but know me quite well. Get deeper inside me because they wish to know me true, not because they are waiting for a benefit or whatever blessing I might grand. If I ever do!

Friends. The most valuable word I’ve ever heard. The best and the purest. The axis my life revolves around. Funny?! It might be. However, a single word from some one would make me high, another would curse my mood forever and doom me to a living hell. Its not that I can’t live alone. Nop I can, and I love to. It’s all about not waiting for “the friends” to say a thing, but once said, I do not know, miracles happen.

The dearest of all I call “my friends”.. I do not call it except to the ones I truly wish to have in my life. … again!!… “life”..
Life won’t leave me to live in peace! Ever.. Thought of life and time will always play the tangle of thoughts I can’t escape. Questions like “who am I? what am doing here? What’s so special about me? Where will I go after all? The time that leaves where does it head?” will always leave big question marks in my head.

Now I am listening to a CD for the “love story” OST, and Sheryos is telling me how “off the mood” he is these days with nothing in my hand to do. I feel helpless and hate to see him this way.
However, all I have to close the whole “nonsense corner” of today: “welcome gloomy winter nights. Wish not to last long”..

الأربعاء، أكتوبر 11، 2006

ياختى بلا تعليق بلا قافية

بالصدفة بقرأ التعليقات على آخر بوست نشرته على "كلام بنات".. واذا بى اقرأ السطرين دول..

"خليجى طالب فى جامعة القاهرة كلية الحقوق سنة أولى مستجد يطلب التعارف مع بنت جامعية جميلة ومحتشمة ويفضل ان تشاركنى السكن مجانا للدراسة والسوالف وقت الفراغ"

عيشنا وشفنا.. مصر اتنورت يا ولاد..
وأبو بلاش كتر منه.. لولووولوى


Today's article

Though I've dis-abled the commenting option long time ago. And do not intend to have it back in the near future as well. But thought this article might be helpful to some of the readers to make their blogs prettier with much life going back and forth :)
have fun..

الثلاثاء، أكتوبر 10، 2006

Act of monopoly

What on earth Google is trying to prove?!
It is actually monopolizing the internet.. with all the added new features everyday, I really can’t get it STILL !!!

I’m switching to “Google reader” after reading this article. At the same moment, Tarek was adding “Google bought YouTube”!
Guess what, now google can buy “Del.icio.us” (which I switched to days ago as well due a recommendation of some friends…)
Then Internet would be equal Google..

Right now, I predict in 2 years time, it would be sort of madness to say “I surf the internet”.. instead would be “I google”

الاثنين، أكتوبر 09، 2006

اختلفت الأشكال.. و"هى" واحدة

أما المرأة فهى ظل الرجل طالما هو أمامها. تتقلص سلطاتها تلقائيا لتصبح أوضح خادم فى بيته. أما حين يغادر، فكأنه نسى او ترك لها سلطات الأمر والنهى فهى فى هذا المكان المحاط بالجدران تدير كل لوازم الحياة من رحَى وغربلة وعجن وخبز، الى الاعتناء بالمواشى: طعامها وروثها الى جانب الاعتناء بالطيور وملء الماء من النهر، وطوال هذا لا تنسى تنصح او تزجر الصغيرات اللاتى سوف يتخرجن غدا نسوة يعمرن (بيت العَدَل) هذا الى جانب مساعدتها لجاراتها فى المناسبات، وتتساوى فى ذلك امرأة الفقير والفقير جدا، فقط تكبر المهمات او تقل تبعا لحجم المنزل اجتماعيا واقتصاديا.

ومن العدل ان نقول إن المرأة ليست سعيدة بذلك. هى فقط تلعب هنا دورا اجتماعيا متفقا عليه. حقيقة هى تحب زوجها وتحترمه وتهابُه. هو المحور الذى تدور حوله حياتها ولا معنى لوجودها بدونه، لأنها –حين يموت- تقع من قمة الجبل الى سفحه. من الانتماء الكبير للدوران فى الفراغ التعيس. من قمة الوجود الى حضيض الانسحاق والنفى.

لكن من العدل ان نقول ان المرأة هناك ليست سعيدة بهذا الدور: "دور الظل" وأنها تحمل فى سرها العميق عالما كاملا مهيبا رهيبا خاصا بها تخفيه عن عيون رجلها. الرجل يريد منها ان تفى بحاجاته وهى تفعل ذلك على خير وجه فيرضى، ويحس أنه يمتلكها الامتلاك الكامل.

لما قالولى ولد..
إتشد ضهرى و اتسند
لما قالولى غلام
اتشد ضهرى واستقام
وكلونى البيض مقشر
وعليه السمن عام
لما قالولى بنية
الحيطان مالت عليا
وكلونى البيض بقشره
وبدال السمن.. مَيَة..

من فصل "أغانى النساء" فى كتاب "أيامى الحلوة" لذكريات الأبنودى فى الصعيد المصرى


السبت، أكتوبر 07، 2006

Today’s disappointment

Everything that was built in days and month, could collapse in less than a second..
And you’ll hate your life afterwards..

Tomorrow’s note

I couldn’t sleep before writing these words, though its already 2 a.m., and I’ll have a long, hectic day tomorrow. But the point is, I made a decision: I will be someone successful.
I will prove to myself I am up to it and ready to take off my journey..

Few hours ago, I received a fatal email, and made me very happy. I guess me, along my team, are doing something on the road of progress. And thought, I’ll take it as a challenge and show all those who didn’t believe in me, especially the one I had the last clash with, how I thank ALLAH more than any time before that I’ve left his workshop and extermely proud of myself that I obeyed my father’s words.

Starting from tomorrow isA I won’t be available online much. The real work is now switched on. No more TV. No more waking late. No more wasting time. Less blogging. And many, the list is yet to come.

I feel high tonight, mashaa ALLAH. And have a hidden feeling that tells me
"ان الله لا يضيع أجر من احسن عمل"
صدق الله العظيم

Now I can Rest my case :) and go to sleep.

PS: that was written on a hurry, forgive my grammer or spelling mistakes.

الجمعة، أكتوبر 06، 2006

Today's wish

There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!
Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.

Author unknown

Today's quote

"Thou great star! What would be thy happiness if thou hadst not those for whom thou shinest!"

Thus spoke Zarathustra

الخميس، أكتوبر 05، 2006

Today's tag..

A late reply to Tarek’s, Nesso and Zenobia’s tag. Being lazy the previous days nothing more in fact. Anyways, my 12 favorite blogs (in no specific order)

Zenobia: I love how she writs about current events. Especially when it was “Lebanon strike’s” time, she was marvelous. I even loved her “laila post". She got a sensible mind to think and balance issues cleverly. And to tell you a secret, I made another blog sometime ago called “Blubbering corner” to be like her in a way, but then I discovered what she’s doing is by far away from my abilities, and so I quit :) wish she'd write in arabic as well.

Unbrainwasher: that guy got one of the best working minds I’ve read for. And the best thing of all his magical combination of religion and every day living. Each time I’d read a new post of his, I’d be taken by surprise “how didn’t I think like that before” :)

The eye witness: O boy! I do not remember when I knew about him. Well, no I do in fact, starting by this post, and that was long time before laila. He made me believe, I should never lose hope, this universe still full of hidden pearls.

Ikhnaton2: I got nothing to tell about the guy or the blog. He profoundly got this way to seduce you to his island! YA! Thought I liked his previous blue template better, however, I didn’t follow the blog except recently, because of the bloggers group. Most of all, I love the description “knowledge is not necessarily wisdom”. His writings tackle some forbidden corners in my mind (like this one) and who knows, I might open up someday and he’d be a reason.

Dananeer: she is my girl. I love her in person, and in blog. She is the most sentimental pure creature I’ve met in life. Her writing style is different, as if its prose or something. Her pictures are way too good. My O My! She might be the most I’d love to meet someday..

Abdou Basha: that guy, got a something I can’t define. Thought I prefer his short condensed posts better. But still, can’t stop myself from reading if I found something new posted for him. Only one thing I want him to take care of, his layout got a lot of defaults, sometimes getting on my nerves kind of ones.

Moonlightshadow: I am proudly stating "she's my friend" :)

Tawasol: another blogging island. Loved it when he placed a piece of “Abla fadeela’s” program.. O Boy! I felt like 20 years back :) (the one question I can’t get rid of, why on earth they got to leave each other :S ?! )

Tarek: what should I say?! Hmm, I used to hate him before. :D (I guess that would be enough :P) no seriously, his gr33n data is cool, provided he’d change his new template (the red is horrible) and 2nd of all, stick to his tech news.. however, his cynical writing style on kelmeteen is awesome.

Hadouta: she’s the queen. That’s it..

Tagreba: What to say! his talent amazes me always, and most of all his insisting attitude.. Lol, the best 2 things I remember for him. 1. a poem he once sent me for a depression state I was passing by. 2. The laila talk we had in boswtol :D (Btw: I liked his blogger acount more)
Bottom line is: "that guy gona make it someday"

Houdou Nesbi: TADA! Now we’r talking. Enough to state: he’s the only one I wait for his new posts, and can’t wait to comment, though my comments are not always up to the level. But no, I do not mind. I’ll still read and comment.

Samia: I loved her for being the daughter of my favorite 3amya poet, I loved her for her down to earth attitude and loved her more for her enchanting voice ! wish I’d ever attend any of her “omsyat”.

Did I forget someone?! How could I :S ?

Nessoo: I love this lady! She’s my neighbor however we never met yet :D .. but in all cases I love her calm way of dealing with people and things.


Hadeel: got to know her blog 3 mins ago. but tell you, She got to be mentioned, even as my #1. She got a marvelous taste, beautiful style and above all wonderful scilence you'd love to share in her "mamlaka".. Hadeel, you are too good to be true my dear.

Well, guess these are more than enough! BUT I’ll update if I remember new blogs :)

الاثنين، أكتوبر 02، 2006

I want an ipod

Today's thought: Bad memories always remain, no matter how hard you try fighting; they always remain stronger. The memory lingers forever, and always rings a bell. Hmm, bad experiences shall always survive and replace your stolen –good- memories always. That is a human nature I learnt.

Myself, I am not that forgiving person thought I might forget. I forget for myself not for you. I forget because I need to forget and stop thinking about these irritating thoughts. Forgiving, was not a good trait of mine, or may be it is. I do not know.

I am not a peaceful person, yeah I’m not. No, I am..
I do not know, as well
Sometimes I am as calm as a summer breeze.. so beautiful, angelic, magical and longed for. Other times I am not. I am not at all. I am the opposite in fact. I hate that.
I hate it today when I thought “I’m up to it and can make it”.. but father, I didn’t forget.

I always look back, remember and live in past. The past for me is always beautiful even if its not. I’ll still remember the beautiful things, or make it up.
Present wasn’t my virture, and future is my sin. I can’t plan for my future well. I do not have the urge to in fact. I do not have the wisdom or will. Yeah..
“Who am I?” I always ask.. not in the question format, but filled with mockery and cynical remarks. “Who am I to dream? Who am I to love and be loved? Who am I to believe my tomorrow would be brighter?!” and when I hear no answer in my head, I lower my sight and start to sing.

I want to have ipod. Whenever I lower my sight I’d find something to hum with; for I got bored.
Yup, I got bored from life and the living. All days look alike with a killing routine, and ticking of some clocks. Ticks imprisoned in some rhyme with no escape.
A universal melody encrypted in some boring rules and routine. A 1 second tick should be with the value of 1 second. An hour is of 60 ones. And there we go.. a week of 7 days and a year of 12 month… a year with more years you are here.. you live.. you breath.. you laugh few or a lot.. you think… you think and brag a lot.. you walk convincing yourself you know, while you are not..
The streets are no longer those tiny routs reaching your destination, but bigger cosmetic… stop for a moment.. look from higher above..

I want to have an ipod, and fill it with all the nonsense of the living and the dead.. notes, music, songs,, passing times without more nags bombarding my head. “Who am I? and what am I to be?” .. I ask.. but hear no answer yet..

Today's melody: Stolen memories (click to download) -- John Williams

Today's quote: "I opened up my eyes, found myself alone, alone, alone above a raging sea, that stole the only girl I loved, and drowned her deep inside of me" -- [Just like heaven]

الأحد، أكتوبر 01، 2006

Neyahahaha (evil laugh)

I messed up everything today,
Starting by waking late with a horrible stomach ach; Ending by missing all my sections and lab. Because I am STILL not familiar with the new time table
However, unlike any other time :D still feeling happy (which is not my usual 3ala fkra)
Its my 1st time being a careless person..

And that was one of the things I wish to do before leaving college, I want to live every thing there.. even if its carelessness, for once..

Weirdo,,,, no doubt